167 days. That’s how long it takes to fill a vacant skilled worker position in Germany, according to a recent…
Top 8 communication trends in 2023
Albert Einstein once said: The only constant in the universe is change. So, what we can predict with certainty is…
The evolution to modern communication
THE EVOLUTION TO MODERN COMMUNICATION Actually known and simple. Unfortunately, the reality is different. Many companies are still finding it…
Making sustainability a serious task, not a marketing tool
Is it only me or do some of you also have the impression that some brands are taking their time…
What future PR experts need to bring to the table
There is no question: old ways of doing things do not fit the new structures. Covid has changed our lives…
Quo vadis, PR?
There is no question: old ways of doing things do not fit the new structures. Covid has changed our lives…
Attracting the right team members, saving costs in recruitment, building your reputation or growing your business – there are multiple…
Interview fashion council Germany – Neustart inmitten der Krise
20 Jahre lang leitete Alexandra Osmers Network PR, eine der bekanntesten Kommunikationsagenturen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Ausgerechnet in der Hochphase von…
Prick or Pro? Why Personal Branding isn’t optional anymore.
Let’s be honest: how would you rate your personal branding skills? Not existent? Expandable? Undefeated? Or do you belong to…
10 significant Trends for the Future of Branding
With an exceptionally challenging year behind and a very uncertain one ahead, marketers and strategists must look carefully on how…